
Select whether this is a NEW or a RENEWAL Membership.
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1 YEAR Basic membership in the NMRA - All rights & benefits as well as the digital NMRA magazine access.

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For this membership or subscription please enter Your name, name of the family member for a family membership, the contact person or company for a sustaining/corporate membership, your contact phone number, the existing Member # if known, and email address,

Spouse or minor child of active member. No magazine, no voting rights, not allowed to hold office. Requires primary member's NMRA Membership Number for renewals.

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For this membership or subscription please enter Your name, name of the family member for a family membership, the contact person or company for a sustaining/corporate membership, your contact phone number, the existing Member # if known, and email address,

Full international membership in the NMRA - All rights & benefits as well as the digital NMRA magazine access.

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For this membership or subscription please enter Your name, name of the family member for a family membership, the contact person or company for a sustaining/corporate membership, your contact phone number, the existing Member # if known, and email address,

1 year Premium membership in the NMRA - All rights & benefits, digital NMRA Magazine access and the NMRA Printed Magazine.

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For this membership or subscription please enter Your name, name of the family member for a family membership, the contact person or company for a sustaining/corporate membership, your contact phone number, the existing Member # if known, and email address,

1 Year for those between the ages of 19-25 years of age. All rights & benefits, digital NMRA magazine access.

Select whether this is a NEW or a RENEWAL Membership.
For this membership or subscription please enter Your name, name of the family member for a family membership, the contact person or company for a sustaining/corporate membership, your contact phone number, the existing Member # if known, and email address,

Mandatory for group memberships (Clubs, Business, Associations).
All rights & benefits, digital NMRA Magazine access and the Printed NMRA magazine.

Select whether this is a NEW or a RENEWAL Membership.
For this membership or subscription please enter Your name, name of the family member for a family membership, the contact person or company for a sustaining/corporate membership, your contact phone number, the existing Member # if known, and email address,

9 Month Trial Membership
RailPass offer is for new members and those who have not been NMRA members for two years or more. Railpass is good for 9 months!
Membership renewal will be at the regular membership rate.  
Click HERE for details on benefits and privileges of the RailPass!