Pittsburgh Model Railroad Jamboree

Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh--Sat. April 13, 8-8, Pittsburgh Model Railroad Jamboree. New venue: Community College of Allegheny County-Boyce Campus, 595 Beatty Rd, Monroeville, PA. Full day of model railroading activities: 12 clinics, 4 contests, white elephant sale, door prizes, company store, displays, giant raffle, and two meals included with registration, plus Sunday self-directed layout tours. Free parking & wheelchair accessible. See the website for info and online registration: www.keystonedivision.org. NMRA members are $45, non-members $55 (includes Rail-Pass), and the optional banquet is $40; join us for this annual 2-day mini-con. Contact Grier Kuehn at gekuehn [at] comcast.net or 412-496-1575, sponsored by Division 2, MCR.

Date Range: 
Saturday, April 13, 2024 - 8:00am to 8:00pm
Mid-Eastern Region