Bay Area Layout Design & Operations Weekend

January 30, & 31, 2021

The Pacific Coast Region - NMRALayout Design SIGOperations SIG will hold the next San Francisco Bay Area Regional Meet virtually, Saturday, January 30, through Sunday, January 31, 2021.

A terrific two-day program is being planned for your model railroading enjoyment. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the organizers taking the meet virtual for 2021, with the goal of being back live and in-person for 2022.

The agenda for the weekend includes clinics, layout operations consultations, track planning consultations, and visits to local layouts, all virtual. Sunday, we are planning for a virtual operating session at the Silicon Valley Lines with viewing open to those not part of the virtual crew for the day.

Both days of the meet are open to all. PCR/LDSIG/OPSIG membership is not required! If you can't join us for the entire meet, at least come online and enjoy some of the program.

Don't delay in registering for the meet! ONLINE RSVP & REGISTRATION FORM

TSG video report of Live Crew Lounge Panel Discussion at 2020's meet
(Starts at 0:49)


Save the dates!

Date Range: 
Saturday, January 30, 2021 - 9:00am to Monday, February 1, 2021 - 4:45pm
Pacific Coast Region